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Your Mind Craves Completeness

Intellectual Operating Law Four

written by Dr. Steven Cangiano April 2, 2019
Your Mind Craves Completeness

Dramatic pause – Renee Zellweger says to Tom Cruise in the mega-hit movie, Jerry McGuire; “You complete me.” This, in my opinion, was the worst line in movie history, almost ruining an otherwise great movie. Entertainment Weekly considers it the third worst; not sure why I seek affirmation from experts, but that’s a lesson for another day. Only Renee could pull off such sour words so sweetly. Or perhaps this memorable phrase speaks to a deeper truth. A need in everyone for completeness.  

 We constantly search for that missing ingredient, the hidden keys to success. Your mind craves completeness. It wants to know the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. It constantly monitors for gaps, inconsistencies, and congruency. Your mind is programmed to create certainty in an uncertain world. The unknown feels dangerous. This is why your mind despises gaps, especially on issues that are important to you.  

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