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Why You Need a Career Coach

A Career Coach Should be Part of Every Professional's Vision

written by Michelle Perchuk January 15, 2021
Why You Need a Career Coach

Why do you need a career coach? The answer is simple. If you want a job done right, hire an expert. I start many of my webinars and events with this anecdote: If you want a nice haircut, do you go to a salon or do you try to cut your own hair? Better yet, when doing something very important, like filing taxes, do you hire an accountant, or do you wing it yourself?

The answer in both cases is simple. You can do it yourself, but the result will not be as favorable as if you were to hire an expert. So why take any chances?

In the hair-cutting debacle, the hair will grow back. With taxes, you can try to learn to do it yourself and file it on your own. The risk is higher and you may be in danger of creating an audit or owing money to the IRS. That is why many people decide to hire a professional to help them with the important stuff.

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