Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerSustainable Relationships When Communicating Love Seems Like a Foreign Language

When Communicating Love Seems Like a Foreign Language

written by Drdrew February 21, 2019
When Communicating Love Seems Like a Foreign Language

Finding how you give, receive and communicate love will enable you and your spouse to love better and stronger.

In his bestseller, The 5 Love Languages, author Gary Chapman writes:

At the heart of mankind’s existence is the desire to be intimate and be loved by another. Marriage is designed to meet that need for intimacy and love.

Case in Point

Mark is a director of the information technology department at a large company. For the past month, he has been working long and grueling hours to avert a major crisis. His wife, Mallory, also endures the stress of her husband’s work. Because of the hours Mark was logging at the office, Mallory had to adjust her schedule by “picking up” Mark’s usual family responsibilities, including picking up their teenage daughter from soccer practice each afternoon and getting their two little ones ready for bed on her own.

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