Home Pride LifeLGBT Family Dynamics What Happens When Gay Men Lose Their Mothers

What Happens When Gay Men Lose Their Mothers

written by Adam Blum February 16, 2021
What Happens When Gay Men Lose Their Mothers

RD&T contributing writer, Adam Blum, shares what happens when gay men lose their mothers.

Gay men often have a special relationship with their mothers. Typically, mothers are the first or only person to accept their son’s more “feminine” interests. She might have provided a place for you to develop the real you, rather than the false self that needed to butch it up at school.

Your mother may also be the inspiration for your interest in the domestic arts. Or she may have been the first person to teach you about vulnerability and tenderness.

While it’s certainly not true for all mothers, women, on average, do report lower levels of homophobia than men. Sometimes they can be there for their gay kids in a way that fathers can’t.

What Happens When Gay Men Lose Their Mothers?

Perhaps you sometimes wonder how you will feel when your mother dies.

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