Every morning when I drive my car to the gym, although my destination is to the left, I have to turn right first because traffic is so busy on that road – it’s virtually impossible to cross the lanes to get into the direction that I want to head. So, I turn right, and about 500 yards later, when traffic gets lighter, I turn left into a side street and then head back in the proper direction to get to my destination.
Turning Right Before You Turn Left

G. Brian Benson
G. Brian Benson, founder of Reawaken Media, is an award-winning author, actor, filmmaker, coach, radio personality and inspirational speaker (TEDx). His mission is to wake up the world with conscious, thought-provoking media that inspires. As a 4x Ironman triathlete, Brian knows the value of hard work and never giving up on his dreams, a message he shares with audiences through each of his creative expressions. www.gbrianbenson.com.