Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit Turning Around Responsibility

Turning Around Responsibility

written by Sharita Star October 4, 2019
Goat' in the zodiac skies of Capricorn,

Now that the fall season is here, we can look back and reflect on the past few months in order to look ahead. If you are curious about how the planets affected you during the summer, and how they may affect your life as we move into the cooler months, then Sharita Star is here to guide you. In this piece, she discusses how we can ‘turn around responsibility’ and ‘reset the structure that may be out of place.’

Turning Around Responsibility

Our accountability sign, known as ‘The Goat’ in the zodiac skies of Capricorn, has gotten plenty of attention. With our most outer planet Pluto having turned Retrograde upon 24 April, one more outer planet celestial visitor of Saturn joins in the Capricorn reflection party 29 April.

While the very word “Retrograde” – especially when attached to inner-planet Mercury – alarms most people who are aware of the upsets and rerouting energy it typically unfolds, it is wise to understand the difference of any inner and outer planet backtracking requests. No matter what planet is retrograding, reflective and contemplative action is at our fingertips.

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