Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Trick Yourself into Wanting to Want to Do it!

Trick Yourself into Wanting to Want to Do it!

written by Morgan Field January 2, 2019
Trick Yourself into Wanting to Want to Do it!

Increase Your Want Factor

And trick yourself into wanting to want to do it!

How do you want to want to do something that you aren’t super crazy about in the first place, but you know that when you do this thing it will be good for you? Haha, I’ve got you! Here is an exercise that you can do to walk yourself through how to increase your want factor so that you can stop avoiding doing the very thing that you know will take you to the next level!

(If you are struggling to come up with ideas for how to get your want factor to go from a 0 to a 10, then maybe just try getting it to a 3 or a 5. Even small shifts will make big impacts and truly rock your world! Meet yourself where you are now, and grow from there!)

OK, Let’s do this!

You know the drill – Get out your pen and paper and write down whatever comes to mind!

1. What is one thing that you want to want to do?


I want to WANT to exercise.

2. Why do you want to want that thing? How will your life be different once you do that thing? (i.e. WHY do you even want to want to do it in the first place?) What is the end goal? What are the benefits? What are the rewards? What are the desired outcomes? Write it all down!


My “Why”…

I’m ready for a new standard for my body! This is about optimal strength and health! No settling and no mediocrity allowed! I want to be even more fit, foxy, lean, cut, tight, toned, and strong! I want to make sure that I maintain the epic SEXY body that I fought hard to create, and then do one even better than that, and take it to the next level and make it even better! I want to inspire others to know that they, too, can make changes, and I’ll LEAD the way by doing it and having a ton of FUN with it!

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