Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Tired of Your Job? 12 Signs You Should Find a New One

Tired of Your Job? 12 Signs You Should Find a New One

written by Dr. Carol Morgan June 27, 2019
Tired of Your Job? 12 Signs You Should Find a New One

As children, we all have our dreams. We are going to be doctors, lawyers, astronauts, or NBA players. Then reality sets in. The cost of college or graduate school deters you from going. And then you realize the chances of you making it to the NBA are small because you’re only 5’10”. Then you settle. You settle, you settle, and then you settle some more. Here are 12 signs that you have been staying in the same job too long, and it’s time to get a little inspiration and get your tushie in gear to make a change.

1. You learn absolutely nothing new at training sessions.

Yeah, yeah, yeah … team building. Yaddah yaddah yaddah… leadership. Blah blah blah…diversity. If you could teach the training yourself, maybe you should actually go do it.

2. Your sick days and vacation days may have rolled over so long that you might lose them. 

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