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Thy Myth of Being a Fraud – Busted

written by Dina Marais July 1, 2020
Thy Myth of Being a Fraud - Busted

Dina Marais discusses the feelings associated with viewing oneself as a fraud while exposing the truth behind this “myth.”

Do you have a burning desire to share your gifts and wisdom with the world – yet you doubt that you are good enough, so you hold back?

You compare yourself to other successful master coaches who have thousands of followers and who are making 7-figures. And then you think: “How do I ever get there? Who am I? Nobody will listen to me when there are much better experts out there!”

You think of yourself as a fraud because you are not as successful as other people in your field. You don’t believe you have enough knowledge to help others. So you tell yourself to get the next certification before you put yourself out there.

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