As a lifelong advocate of health and wellness, my work has spanned four decades. It began when I was 12 years old. After school, I would merchandise the grains, beans and pulses in our local food store. In the 80s, I taught aerobics. In fact, I came across a photograph of me the other day taken during this time, and it made me laugh out loud. I was the Jane Fonda of Scotland, with matching headband, leg warmers and lycra to die for! I thought I was the cat’s pajamas! Was that the start of my ‘wellness revolution’ phase, I wonder, getting people interested in health and not sickness? It has been my life’s work.
The Wellness Revolution

Marlene Watson-Tara
Marlene Watson-Tara A long-time vegan, lover of animals, nature and life and passionate about human ecology. As an eternal optimist, increasing the number of people worldwide to switch to a wholefood, plant-based diet and vegan lifestyle is her mission. Together with her husband Bill Tara, they have created The Human Ecology Project.