RD&T contributing writer, Treva Brandon Scharf, gives advice if you’re ready to have “The Talk” with the person you’re dating. If you are, you better be ready for the truth.
Picture this scenario.
You’ve been in a relationship for a few months, and things are going well. There’s intimacy and possible signs of real commitment. There’s potential here, but you’re purposely keeping it light and letting things unfold. You see a future with this BF/GF, so you’re making sure not to pressure or get ahead of yourself.
What Are We?
But as a few months slide into a year, you start wondering why the relationship isn’t progressing. You’re going along and getting along, but you’re not moving along. It seems comfortable enough, but you’re uncomfortable. You’re trying to be easy-going, but you’re uneasy. The sex is still good, so why worry? But still, you wonder: