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The Seven Intellectual Operating Laws

Intellectual Operating Law- Introduction and Law One: Your Brain Synergizes Information 

written by Dr. Steven Cangiano February 22, 2019
Seven Intellectual Operating Laws

The human brain is the greatest creative apparatus in the universe. When focused on a worthy ideal, it creates wonders. When left to its own devices, it typically creates suffering and despair. If you want to run your brain properly and predictably direct your thoughts, you need to know the rules. Those rules are called the seven intellectual operating laws. We will study these laws in the context of the governing law; The Law of Accelerating Expansion™. We will also explore how the understanding and application of these laws can easily and quickly help you attain any new vision.  

 Let’s begin with a brief overview of thinking

 The study of thought is difficult to do scientifically. With most scientific studies, we can isolate the object we are studying. This is not the case with thought; it is a ubiquitous, living, growing, evolving thing that cannot be distilled into a bottle, dissected in a laboratory or looked at under a microscope. With new techniques in neuroimaging, we have a better idea of how the brain operates, but the study of thought is still elusive. There is only one way to study thought, and that is to observe it. Einstein gets to the heart of the issue when he says, “The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.” The conundrum is obvious; we are forced to study our problems with the cause of our problems! 

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