There is an apocryphal story of a man who went to heaven and not long thereafter committed suicide. At first the absolute perfection of heaven was intoxicating. He made a hole-in-one with every golf swing, won every card game and tripled his money on every stock trade. This perfection soon became a curse; he became so oppressively bored, he could no longer take it. Even the people in heaven became difficult to deal with they were all “so perfect.” Perhaps this is why Billy Joel sings, “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints…” Even in heaven you need a little contrast, also known as polarity.
The Law of Polarity
The Operating Laws of Life - Law Six

Dr. Steven Cangiano
Dr. Steven Cangiano began his college career with aspirations to become a high school teacher. These aspirations took a turn when he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and go into the field of podiatric surgery. He completed his medical school training at Temple University and his surgical residency at the NY College of Podiatric Medicine where he was chief resident. He continued his academic career and fulfilled his early teaching aspirations by becoming an assistant professor of surgery at the age of 27. He was board certified in foot and ankle surgery at the age of 28. As residency director of the Franciscan Health System of NJ, Dr. Cangiano grew the program into the largest in NJ. Dr. Cangiano published multiple articles in medical journals and spent a total of thirteen years in academic medicine before venturing off into the world of complementary medicine.