Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerUnconditional Love: Spiritual Relationship The Illusion of Opposites
The Illusion of Opposites

Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right-doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.” M.J. Rumi

A wise man and his son owned a farm in a small village.  One day a beautiful, wild horse came to stay on their property. Everyone in the village told the wise man how great this was for him and his son. To their surprise, he said “Maybe.” The next day the son, while training the horse, fell and broke his leg.  Everyone said to the wise man, “This is terrible. Who will work your farm? You may lose everything.” And again the wise man said, “Maybe.” Soon after this, all the young men in the village were drafted to fight in a terrible war. The villagers said how fortunate the wise man was that his son did not have to fight.  By now you know his response. The wise man had a higher perspective on life. He lived above the illusion of opposites and knew better than to label individual events as good or bad.

Right and Wrong

Illusions surround us. When we believe an illusion is true, it has consequences in our life. The most damaging illusion is separation philosophy. In our article, The First Relationship Disaster, we explore the concept that we have been conditioned to believe that we are separate from each other and our planet. This illusion is easy to see through. No man is an island; we are all interconnected with each other and our planet. Unfortunately, we continue to live with the consequences of this illusion, one that leads to war, genocide, environmental disasters and global warming.

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