Home Finding Your Life PartnerWhat Women Want, What Men Want The Dating Game – Sparking a Man’s Sincere Interest

The Dating Game – Sparking a Man’s Sincere Interest

written by Nancy Nichols February 2, 2021
Flirting couple playing the dating game

Like it or not, dating is a game. Play your cards right and you can land a great guy!

Do men seem un-attracted you? Do men rarely ask you out for a second date?

Maybe you ask yourself (as I once did) …

Why do men desire, respect and pursue some women and not others? What is the magic allure that causes a man to prefer a woman over his buddies, fall in love, and seriously consider marriage?

I believe that most men truly are looking for a genuine relationship with the right woman, and while some men’s main interest is scoring sexually, the majority of men basically respect and value women. Sexually compatibility is important, but that’s just one component to making his attraction list and maintaining his interest.

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