Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHealthy Relationship The Comparison Game: Why Doesn’t My Husband Treat Me Like Hers?

The Comparison Game: Why Doesn’t My Husband Treat Me Like Hers?

written by Tal Araim August 27, 2019
The Comparison Game: Why Doesn't My Husband Treat Me Like Hers?

Comparers should be exiled from the world of love and honesty. I cannot understand how so many couples start a conversation with: “Can you see Mary saying this to her husband?” or “Eddie wouldn’t dare treat his wife this way; he spoils her rotten.” Can we please put an end to this game once and for all? What Mary and Eddie do with their respective partners is their own business. If it works for them, great; it does not mean it will work for you. Besides, no one knows what really goes on behind closed doors. Therefore, the only comparison you should concern yourselves with is how you feel now about each other compared with how you felt before. Have you met, exceeded, or fell short of your original expectations?

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