As the year starts to unfold, it’s so easy to want to run and do everything! And that’s probably why, last week…I got sick. Ha! The best thing about it? I had to stop working for two days, and in the end, I enjoyed the downtime so much that I took four days off.
This was a fantastic reminder that unless I continue to take some time for myself, I am going to crash – and crashing is not what I have in mind for 2019!
The main thing I gained from this experience (in addition to being able to breathe again) was perspective: it helped me remember what’s important and what could wait. It helped me realize that I was feeling overwhelmed because I was losing sight of what would help me truly move forward.
I was not prioritizing and went into brain overload.
As high performers, we rarely take the time to slow down and reflect, and so, for the next month and a half, I have decided to find a bunch of ways to do exactly that: slow down and reflect. I deeply believe that self-awareness is the key not only to building sustained performance but simply, to being a better human.