Home The Ultimate RelationshipFinancial Freedom The Balancing Act of Money: When to Save and When to Spend

The Balancing Act of Money: When to Save and When to Spend

written by Dr. Carol Morgan January 18, 2019
The Balancing Act of Money

The psychology behind money is interesting. We have all heard messages from our parents and society about money – and we still do. Maybe your parents told you things like “money doesn’t grow on trees,” or “what do you think I’m made of – money?” or “you have to work hard for money because it’s hard to come by.” On the contrary, maybe your parents were spenders – they never missed an opportunity to buy the latest and greatest stuff … and then maybe went into debt as a result. Regardless of how you grew up, we all got messages about money.

I tend to be “cheap.” In other words, you won’t find me spending lavishly on many things. And I definitely am not an impulse buyer. But I do have my weaknesses for some things, as we all do. I don’t know exactly how I got to be “cheap,” but I know that I got messages about the importance of saving money while I was growing up. So I find myself struggling sometimes by trying to figure out when and where I should splurge – or save.

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