When you look back on an argument you’ve had recently with someone close to you, do you sometimes feel it was a squabble over nothing? That what seemed like a major misunderstanding at the time was, actually, nothing more than a petty clash of opinion; or a state of affairs where the two of you have different expectations?
A few days ago I wrote about a situation like that which arose between my husband and me, and I finished with some of the strategies we used to resolve the conflict. I hope you found them helpful. Or at least that you are now able to recognize those areas of different expectations in your own marriage. In order to not only identify with one another better but also to learn how to eliminate those areas of misunderstanding. In that post, I promised that I would show you the method of Feedback which my other half and I used years ago when we trained as Marriage Enrichment counselors and ran regular classes to teach couples a new way of resolving conflict. Although designed for married couples, they are a useful method for all couples to adopt in order to eliminate the breakdown of a relationship.