Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Ten Steps To Overcoming FOMO

Ten Steps To Overcoming FOMO

written by Linda & Charlie Bloom April 26, 2019
Overcoming FOMO

In our November Newsletter, we addressed the concept of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) and the dangers of being possessed by this insidious condition. In this posting, we are offering ten practices that are guaranteed to help to free you from the grip of FOMO and to enhance the quality of your relationships as well as your overall level of well-being.

1. Slow down.

Most of us move at a faster velocity in our lives rather than keeping with our natural rhythm. Practice taking your time when eating, driving, talking, making love, and in engaging in the tasks of everyday living. It can be helpful to post reminders in prominent places in your home in order to remind yourself to fulfill this intention. We used to have a sign in our kitchen that simply read, “Slow down.” It worked. Enlisting the support of others, particularly those with whom you live or with whom you have close relationships can also be very helpful.

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