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Technology is Killing Romance

Romance is Dying, Here’s How to Save It

written by Treva Brandon Scharf December 10, 2018
Technology is Killing Romance

Sorry, technology, I love you, but you’re ruining romance. You’re killing it. Sucking the life out of it. You’re the death knell of courtship—a soon-to-be-lost art if someone doesn’t do something about it.

On one hand, technology has been a shot in the arm to dating, helping people find love when they previously couldn’t or wouldn’t. Some people wouldn’t even have a love life if not for online dating and dating apps.

Online dating helped me when I was single, but that was in the early days before people forgot how to be romantic.

How is technology killing romance? Let me count the ways.

No One Has Patience Anymore

No one’s willing to look closer or go deeper because it takes too damn long. It’s all about instant gratification, the next swipe, the bigger, better deal. If the chemistry isn’t immediate, forget it. There’s little desire to court someone and let a romance build slowly. Matchmaker Alyssa Bunn says,

A digital system based on instant gratification has dissolved the virtue of patience—a critical element of seduction and successful courtship.

No one is willing to invest either because it takes too much time or there’s too much choice out there. Does anyone really get to know anyone anymore? Not when there’s the problem of choice overload, option paralysis, or FOBO, fear of a better option.

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