This is Part One in a two-part series. See Part Two here.
I was sitting with a girlfriend the other day and she was talking about a guy who keeps asking her out, and it was driving her crazy. The truth is, he is a total hottie, and she used to have a huge thing for him in college, but after the reconnect all these years later, she just isn’t that into him.
He is literally offering her all-expense paid trips in an effort to try and spend time with her, and she is annoyed that he just can’t get the damn hint that no means no, buddy! So we explored a bit further.
The convo went a little somethin’ like this:
“Have you told him that you’re not interested?”
“Not exactly.”
“What exactly have you told him?”
Her reply:
Well, I never make time for him. I always give him excuses as to why I am never free, and I told him a while back that I was too busy to date because of moving and work. Now that work has died down and the move is over, he has resurfaced. I keep telling him that his offer of a trip is too much for me to accept…
“Right, so you would like him to get the hint? Read between the lines? Read your mind?”
“Haha! yes! Ugh. Why can’t he just get that I am not that into him? It’s so annoying.”
“Sounds like until you actually say what you really mean, you are just going to be subjecting yourself to unnecessary turmoil!”