Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHealthy Relationship Someone Has to Take the Lead

Someone Has to Take the Lead

written by Sharon Pope December 20, 2018
Someone Has to Take the Lead

When a relationship is struggling, it’s easy to sit back and wait for the other person to make the necessary changes to make it better. But it’s not an effective strategy because it very rarely happens, so the problems continue to worsen, the resentments mount, and the disconnection between the two people widens.

It takes only one person to make a difference.

I know we’ve been told that we both have to be working on fixing the problems in our marriages at the same time, but that’s not only unrealistic, it’s also unnecessary.

When we’re in a relationship, we impact one another. We react to one another. When my husband is light-hearted and being funny, I react with the same light-heartedness, and we find ourselves laughing and dancing in the kitchen for no reason. And when he’s stressed…well, we’re not laughing and dancing; neither of us. We respond to one another. This is a dance we all do with our partners. When one of us changes the steps, it has a ripple effect in the relationship and how we engage with one another.

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