Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Skills and Tips for Personal Development

Skills and Tips for Personal Development

written by Dr. Tchiki Davis September 3, 2020
Skills and Tips for Personal Development

I am obsessed with personal development because it’s helped me completely change my life. Only 10 years ago, I had no connections, no money, and worked a minimum wage retail job. Now, I have a Ph.D. from Berkeley, am the author of a book on how to generate happiness in the technology age, and have created a variety of well-being-boosting programs. And it’s all because I worked on developing myself.

So, how do you make personal development work for you?

Personal development can include any skill that you build to improve yourself – your emotions, thoughts, or behaviors. It doesn’t really matter which skills you want to improve; the key to personal development is taking the right steps – steps that help ensure that you reach whatever goal you are pursuing.

Learn more from the video here.

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