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Sharing our Growth

written by G. Brian Benson January 6, 2020
Sharing our Growth

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you stumble across something that totally changes your life?  There is a quote that I really like that says, “We are here to teach what it is that we need to learn ourselves.”  I would like to share with you how that quote played a part in the creation of my first bookBrian’s List – 26 ½ Easy to Use Ideas on How to Live a Fun, Balanced, Healthy Life! and how sharing my personal growth led me to help others.

It was in early 2008 and I was struggling with the decision to leave the family business. Now for those that know me, I am a very driven person and this driven nature has served me well through the years (cross country bicycle ride, triathlons, etc.). And being the driven person that I am, I wanted to do a couple of things to figure out why I was feeling out of balance and not myself. After some contemplation, I realized that I was burned out from my job. I wasn’t fulfilled there, nor was I growing anymore.

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