Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Savor While You Surf…The Internet

Savor While You Surf…The Internet

written by Dr. Tchiki Davis July 1, 2020
Savor While You Surf...The Internet

Too often we let the good moments we experience online pass by without truly savoring or celebrating them. When we savor these moments, we pause and attempt to fully experience the positive emotions that have arisen in that moment, and as a result, we create longer-lasting positive emotions and greater well-being (take the well-being quiz here to learn more). While researching my new book, Outsmart Your Smartphone, I started to realize we can even build our savoring skills online… while we’re surfing the Internet. Here’s how:

Savor the Past Using Online Photos

When we’re surfing online or on social media, the easiest way to practice savoring is likely by reflecting on and bringing up positive memories from the past. These days, there are large collections of old photos online – taken by us or others we know – that can help us recall our past positive experiences.

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