Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit Resolutions for 2019: Making and Keeping Them

Resolutions for 2019: Making and Keeping Them

written by Sharita Star February 11, 2019
Resolutions for 2019: Making and Keeping Them

Happy 2019, Dear Stars! You more than likely are thinking it might be wise to allow improved energy to enter your life over the next 12 months. Do you really know how to harness the staying power of those resolutions you are proclaiming, as we enter yet another Universal New Year?

Chaldean Numerology: The Name Expression of Resolutions

No matter what name, title or word we are looking at, numerological energy is always able to assist us, as we can calculate the combined values of the letters that compose it. Name expressions, in their mathematical wisdom, always provide the key to knowing what points of attraction our names, titles and words contain. Herein lies priceless guidance, of appropriate choices our conscious actions can take, as we focus and deliberately create our lives.

Chaldean Karmic Mysteries: Ancient Meaning for our Modern Day

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