Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHealthy Relationship Relationship Re-education

Relationship Re-education

written by Barry and Joyce Vissell March 25, 2019
Relationship Re-education

Are you ignoring important aspects of your relationship? Are those parts of your relationship crying out for recognition?

I have recently been seeing a local bodyworker/healer for rib pain, and I’ve been impressed by her talent to “read” bodies. Along with significantly helping me, she has pointed out some important ways to “re-educate” my body. For example, she noticed that I breathe much more from my belly than from my chest. As a result, my chest and ribs have stiffened, partly leading to my current problem. So part of my homework is complete breathing exercises – chest as well as belly – which will help to stretch the constricted areas.

As she was working on me, I thought about how Joyce and I “read” relationships in the same way this woman reads bodies, and how important it is to re-educate people in their relationships. A relationship, like a body, is a whole organism existing in a delicate balance. If we ignore a part of the relationship, it will become constricted or inflamed like my rib cage.

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