Home The Ultimate RelationshipFood & Nutrition Real-Life Moments: You Deserve To Feast Like This

Real-Life Moments: You Deserve To Feast Like This

written by Leslie Chen January 3, 2020
Real-Life Moments: You Deserve To Feast Like This

Chinese New Year’s Eve

It’s the long-awaited time of the year to indulge in tables and tables of deliciousness. Feasts, jokers, firecrackers — they say. And every year around this time, families throw the most affluent, voluminous, and festive dinners with family and friends to usher the good fortune and prosperity for the new year — like this one in our household.

My mom rose early on the day to prepare for it. A whole table of food was set up by 5:30 pm; about the time when our relatives arrived.

We couldn’t finish the whole table of food for sure which means for the following couple days, we would be having delicious leftovers. After that, we were invited by relatives and friends to their place to eat the whole table of fresh, delicious treats they’ve prepared for us. The feasts last for seven to eight days.

If you are negligent about the “rules,” you’ll probably put on a pound or two during the holiday. But overall you are fine, and that one to two pounds can easily go away after a short week or two once things get back to normal.

This has sparked up a lot of curiosity. From time to time, I get asked the same questions from people over and over again — the Asian people are obsessed with food and everything from closing businesses to having blind dates is done on the food table with lots and lots of tempting, delicious food around, but how come you guys are still so skinny?

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