Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerHow Your Relationship Brain Works Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare

written by Dr. Erin Leonard May 8, 2019
Psychological Warfare

Narcissists often lack a conscience, so climbing in the ring with one is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. Wielding cruelty and abuse like it is their right, the narcissist easily wounds a person with a conscience who often feels guilty for firing back. The guilt perpetuates feelings of responsibility and self-doubt, frequently causing the person with a conscience to surrender.

So how does a person create a fair fight?

The most effective way is to fully understand the narcissist’s most lethal weapon, projective identification, and to disarm it.

It’s truly amazing how unfair, underhanded and malicious a narcissist is, but rarely do they feel true remorse for their deeds. Readily deflecting, distorting, and projecting, they alter their perception of reality, freeing themselves from accountability while simultaneously projecting blame onto another. Their line of unconscious defense mechanisms operate like a force field around their ego, excusing them from deep and sincere feelings of remorse, insight, introspection, and accountability. Thus, they feel like they are never wrong.

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