Oliver JR Cooper
Oliver JR Cooper

Author, Transformational Writer & Coach, Oliver JR Cooper
My journey of self-awareness started in 2003. Prior to this, I had a natural curiosity. This consciously led me to look at the BBC website for information about psychology. It was also during this time that I came across a book.
This book was not only the first book I had read to do with psychology; it was also the first book I had ever read. During this time I had a conversation with a family friend that I remember to this day. He said to me 'Don't just be another brick in the wall Oliver', and from that moment, I have never looked back.
Since then, I have studied and experienced many Spiritual practices, healing techniques and different areas of Psychology. These include, but are not limited to: Buddhism, Kabbalah, Psychology, Philosophy, Mysticism, Body Language, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Reiki, Reference Point Therapy, The Now Technique, SHEN therapy and Family Constellation. Over the years I have trained and worked with numerous experts and pioneers in the area of transformation, and without such support, I wouldn't be where I am today. This I something I will always be grateful for.
The articles that I write are the result of everything I have experienced up until this point. They were not planned and just seemed to 'happen' one day. However, in reality they are the consequence of many years of self-development and didn't just 'happen'. The first article that I wrote was a result of being out one night and this gave me the inspiration to write about the defence mechanism known as projection. Although I hadn't written about my views publicly until this time; I have kept a journal since the end of 2008. This started after hearing Dov Baron talk about the benefits of journaling.
One of the biggest inspirations in my style of writing has been Osho. Before I ever wrote an article, I was drawn in by his style of writing. And I said to myself 'If I could write, I would write like him'. What I appreciate about his style of writing is his directness and the clarity that his writings have. For a more in-depth look into why I got into self-development, please visit https://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/about.html
Inner Child : How To Heal Your Inner Child
• Do you find it hard to move forward?
• Are you a people pleaser?
• Do you fear intimacy?
• Are you unable to attract people who are available?
• Do you believe that you have no control over your life?
• Are you unable to say ‘no’?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be a sign that you need to heal your inner child.
Inner Child – How To Heal Your Inner Child is a step-by-step guide that will allow you to gradually heal your wounded inner child. Or, to be more accurate, it will show you what you can do to heal the many wounded parts that are within you. Each chapter builds upon the other, giving you what you need to process the pain inside you. Once you begin to heal these different parts, your life will gradually change
The site was found by accident, and it is exactly what I need at this time of my life. Sometimes we are so close to the trees we can not see the forest. Actually I was not expecting to get fast and personal attention. You were very prompt in replying with point on what I needed. The motivational information is right on. I am grateful I found this site and of course will check with it often. THANK YOU!
'I'm thrilled to have Oliver J R Cooper offering his advice and insight as a Contributing Editor. His articles have had over 85,000 click through's... no small feat. His perspective on love, relationships, self-identity and authenticity are amazing. Oliver provides to-the-point, real life guidance, and answers to today's essential questions.
Behaviour: What Causes Reactive Behaviour? Is a great article and one that I can really relate to. So much clarity in his writing which I would recommend to anyone who feels certain aspects of their lives are not normal in a sense. Thanks Oliver, keep up the great work, there's a star in the making here! Take note.'
This book was not only the first book I had read to do with psychology; it was also the first book I had ever read. During this time I had a conversation with a family friend that I remember to this day. He said to me 'Don't just be another brick in the wall Oliver', and from that moment, I have never looked back.
Since then, I have studied and experienced many Spiritual practices, healing techniques and different areas of Psychology. These include, but are not limited to: Buddhism, Kabbalah, Psychology, Philosophy, Mysticism, Body Language, NLP, Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Reiki, Reference Point Therapy, The Now Technique, SHEN therapy and Family Constellation. Over the years I have trained and worked with numerous experts and pioneers in the area of transformation, and without such support, I wouldn't be where I am today. This I something I will always be grateful for.
The articles that I write are the result of everything I have experienced up until this point. They were not planned and just seemed to 'happen' one day. However, in reality they are the consequence of many years of self-development and didn't just 'happen'. The first article that I wrote was a result of being out one night and this gave me the inspiration to write about the defence mechanism known as projection. Although I hadn't written about my views publicly until this time; I have kept a journal since the end of 2008. This started after hearing Dov Baron talk about the benefits of journaling.
One of the biggest inspirations in my style of writing has been Osho. Before I ever wrote an article, I was drawn in by his style of writing. And I said to myself 'If I could write, I would write like him'. What I appreciate about his style of writing is his directness and the clarity that his writings have. For a more in-depth look into why I got into self-development, please visit https://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/about.html
Inner Child : How To Heal Your Inner Child
The site was found by accident, and it is exactly what I need at this time of my life. Sometimes we are so close to the trees we can not see the forest. Actually I was not expecting to get fast and personal attention. You were very prompt in replying with point on what I needed. The motivational information is right on. I am grateful I found this site and of course will check with it often. THANK YOU!
— Kenneth Franklin Priddy
'I'm thrilled to have Oliver J R Cooper offering his advice and insight as a Contributing Editor. His articles have had over 85,000 click through's... no small feat. His perspective on love, relationships, self-identity and authenticity are amazing. Oliver provides to-the-point, real life guidance, and answers to today's essential questions.
— Susan Winter
Behaviour: What Causes Reactive Behaviour? Is a great article and one that I can really relate to. So much clarity in his writing which I would recommend to anyone who feels certain aspects of their lives are not normal in a sense. Thanks Oliver, keep up the great work, there's a star in the making here! Take note.'
— David Pegler
Joined: September 18, 2018
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- Beliefs About One’s Existence and Childhood Trauma
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