G. Brian Benson
G. Brian Benson

Writer, Speaker, Project Coach, and Creative, Reawaken Media
G. Brian Benson, founder of Reawaken Media, is an award-winning author, actor, filmmaker, coach, radio personality and inspirational speaker (TEDx). His mission is to wake up the world with conscious, thought-provoking media that inspires. As a 4x Ironman triathlete, Brian knows the value of hard work and never giving up on his dreams, a message he shares with audiences through each of his creative expressions.
Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar
A self-help book for an authentic life: Habits for Success was written creatively, consciously and with heart. Using his own growth process, triumphs and hero’s journey, the author weaves authenticity and vulnerability into his habits, ideas and stories to entertain and inspire the reader. They are beacons of light, hope and possibility, which guide the reader to their own personal version of success and happiness while helping give them permission to take their own journey and to build a foundation of strength for the long run.
Increase your self-awareness, manifest your dreams: Habits for Success is written in laymen’s terms but with an incredible amount of depth, which allows the reader to reach new levels of understanding and growth. It is a wonderful mix of heart, informative ideas and entertaining journey. It is a self-help book that doesn’t feel like one. The insights shared and the tools provided are tailored for life-long success. Author G. Brian Benson offers an informative, inspiring and unique look at growth, self-awareness and success.
I am happy to endorse G. Brian Benson and his excellent book, Habits for Success. My father, the late Stephen R. Covey, often said that most people innately know how they should be living their lives, but unfortunately ‘common sense is not always common practice.’ This superb book by G. Brian Benson reveals many common-sense habits that may not be so commonly practiced today. These habits are wise, proactive principles that if practiced, will greatly enhance the lives of the readers. An excellent work!
There are ways to success and happiness revealed only to those willing to do the work. In this book, Brian shares proven strategies well known by all that reach greatness in life. Straight from the heart, Brian has mined the gold for you. From his Ironman will, his poetic soul, and his Hollywood experience, Brian shows the world the infinite possibilities these enlightened ideas can create in life. What a gift, thank you Brian!
Habits for Success – Inspired Ideas to Help You Soar
I am happy to endorse G. Brian Benson and his excellent book, Habits for Success. My father, the late Stephen R. Covey, often said that most people innately know how they should be living their lives, but unfortunately ‘common sense is not always common practice.’ This superb book by G. Brian Benson reveals many common-sense habits that may not be so commonly practiced today. These habits are wise, proactive principles that if practiced, will greatly enhance the lives of the readers. An excellent work!
— Sean Covey - New York Times Best-Selling author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
There are ways to success and happiness revealed only to those willing to do the work. In this book, Brian shares proven strategies well known by all that reach greatness in life. Straight from the heart, Brian has mined the gold for you. From his Ironman will, his poetic soul, and his Hollywood experience, Brian shows the world the infinite possibilities these enlightened ideas can create in life. What a gift, thank you Brian!
— Cindy Heath - Energy Healer and author of Real Beautiful: The Secret Energy of the Mind, Body, and Spirit
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