The Ultimate Secret Book Series
Once in a generation there is an insight so profound that it instantaneously clarifies our past, present, and future. The Ultimate Secret is that insight. There is a new story emerging – the complete story never before revealed. It is the greatest paradigm shift in human history. Embrace this new and expanding truth, and embark now on your journey to complete transformation. An amazing future awaits you. The great undiscovered truths of the past seem self-evident now that they have been revealed and accepted, and this same progression is happening again. The insights you will learn here will transform your health, relationships, and finances. They will revolutionize our businesses, institutions, and governments. They will direct us toward a new, intersubjective story based on a higher truth, a story that will transform our world and your life.

Resource Guide
The Resource Guide is to provide an aid to our readers and community – how to make the most of RD&T and maximize your results. This is your first step to ultimate success. Embark on your journey to improving the four main aspects of your life: health, fitness, financial freedom, and relationships. Relationship Development & Transformation is much more than just another online personal development site. We are your guide to complete transformation. At RD&T we are devoted to educating, empowering, and guiding you through your personal journey to ultimate success in all aspects of your life.

Recreation Handbook
Sages throughout history have instructed us to “be in the present moment.” They have urged us to “wake up.” These instructions sound accurate and profound, but can be difficult to apply to your life in a practical way. The Ten Daily Recreations (TDR) found in the Recreation Handbook are the immediate, practical, and predictable way to be in the present moment. The TDR will allow you to suck every bit of joy and opportunity out of each moment of your life. Your life is a series of moments strung together over a lifetime. With the TDR you have found the tools to improve your moment-to-moment quality of consciousness in a permanent, predictable, and fun way! The TDR will give you a framework and the tools to enhance every aspect of your life while guiding you through your journey to complete transformation and ultimate success.

Creative Process Workbook
The Creative Process Workbook is the predictable path to complete transformation and success. It shows you step-by-step how to take your unique and compelling ideas and turn them into physical reality. With the Creative Process Workbook, you will learn how to focus your attention on a compelling long-term vision while maintaining your present moment awareness. Your actions will be directed by you in a predictable manner. You will learn how to maintain the tension between your present circumstances and a compelling future. This knowledge, and the application of these skills, will determine the quality of your life. The conscious creative process, as it is laid out here, is the most predictable method available to achieve short and long-term permanent success.