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If I were to tell you that your present reality is perfect, what would you think? You might think, if my present reality were perfect, I would not be reading this article. What is your present reality without the judgments you have about it? Your present reality is the perfect feedback you need to create and recreate your life. The key is to look at the data objectively. It is crucial to the creative process that you are acutely aware of your current reality. Understanding your current reality is a critical success factor in creating a compelling vision for your life. This is contrary to what you will hear in the personal development field, and is the most often missed factor on your road to relationship and life success.

I contend that when you are spiritually “awake”, you will not hurt yourself or others. Unfortunately, most of us are asleep. We obsess about an unknown future or an immutable past (see our article Superstitions Everywhere). All the truth you need is in front of you on a moment-to -moment basis. Everything you require to transform your life unfolds at your feet every second.

The word truth comes from the Greek “alothea,” meaning that which is hidden. All you need to transform your life is an honest look at current reality. We turn a blind eye to things we know are unhealthy. We continue toxic relationships, think toxic thoughts and eat toxic foods. We pollute the planet and kill each other to resolve our differences.  Know the truth (present reality), and the truth shall set you free. When you are awake, you can take a dismembered life and re-member (put back together).

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