Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics Parenting Tips For Raising An ADHD Child

Parenting Tips For Raising An ADHD Child

written by Marianne Riley May 7, 2019
Parenting Tips For Raising An ADHD Child

8 Parenting Tips For an ADHD Child

1. Stay calm.

It’s so easy to get upset when Johnny doesn’t clean up his room. But remember, when you get angry, they get angrier and their behavior may escalate. Use clear, concise, simple instructions.

2. Don’t sit in the driver’s seat.

Do you find yourself putting Johnny’s clothes away even though that’s his chore? Let your child learn how to be independent. Try not to rush in and save the day; he will eventually learn he doesn’t like a messy room either.

3. Set structure.

Children with ADHD do very well with structure. Create a chore chart, behavior chart, or schedule for him or her and place it on the fridge. Add rewards for prosocial behavior such as stickers, new markers, or toys.

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