Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Overcoming Resistance

Overcoming Resistance

Part Two: Resistance is a Bitch

written by Morgan Field February 12, 2019
Overcoming Resistance

This is part two of a two-part series. Find part one here.

How do I start? What is the first step to overcoming resistance?

Come on now, you know I’ve got you!

Grab a piece of paper and something to write with. Put that to the side, I’ll let you know when you need it.

Take a moment to sit in silence. Breathe deep. Relax. Start to imagine how you would like life to be different.

Don’t write anything just yet, just sit with it, vision it, be with it, feel it. Imagine your ideal life. This is a magic wand scenario – it doesn’t matter if you even think it is possible (because, let’s be real, it isn’t possible unless you commit to yourself and start making some changes). For now, just tap into that Disney-magic imagination inside of you and envision a life that you absolutely LOVE living! Sit with it…be with it…your vision…take a few minutes to just create. It’s like painting your new life on a blank canvas in your mind.

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