I recently had my heart opened and awakened by someone that I met. At first, it felt magical, exhilarating, amazing and perfect; and then ever so slowly over the course of the next day, I began to let doubt creep in because of fearful over-thinking. I began to think about what it meant, where it might lead and basically begin to apply meaning to everything. I began to fear that the excitement I was feeling wouldn’t be reciprocated and that my heart would close back up and that it wouldn’t be awakened again for quite some time.

G. Brian Benson
G. Brian Benson, founder of Reawaken Media, is an award-winning author, actor, filmmaker, coach, radio personality and inspirational speaker (TEDx). His mission is to wake up the world with conscious, thought-provoking media that inspires. As a 4x Ironman triathlete, Brian knows the value of hard work and never giving up on his dreams, a message he shares with audiences through each of his creative expressions. www.gbrianbenson.com.