Home Finding Your Life PartnerTo Date or Not to Date Online Dating: Should a Woman Make the First Move?

Online Dating: Should a Woman Make the First Move?

written by Nancy Nichols December 13, 2018
Online Dating: Should a Woman Make the First Move

Ladies, dating rules have changed! Nowadays, a woman doesn’t necessarily alienate an online man when she emails or flirts with him first. In fact, some men say they like it when a woman makes the first move because:

  • They are flattered by a woman’s attention.
  • Making the first move is a sign of confidence.
  • It can eliminate a man’s fear of rejection.

Sending an intriguing introductory message helps you to stand out from other women.

However, if you don’t post an attractive photo and write an interesting bio, don’t be chagrined when a man doesn’t respond.

I have found that the mere act of viewing a man’s profile can generate a wink, fav or message from him, opening the door for a coquettish message from you.

When you write an introductory email with a casual, quasi-humorous approach and your script projects an aura of confidence, you won’t appear aggressive or needy, you will, instead, come across as self-assured, entertaining and intriguing. And if your profile meets his basic criteria (age, common interests and demographics), according to an OKCupid study, women are 2.5 times more likely to get a response than men if they initiate contact.

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