Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics My Child May Have a Learning Disability: COVID-19

My Child May Have a Learning Disability: COVID-19

written by Liz Matheis, Ph.D November 3, 2020
My Child May Have a Learning Disability

Now that you’ve been teaching your child at home, you are most likely very familiar with your child’s learning profile, as well as strengths and weaknesses. You know which assignments are going to create a meltdown, a tug of war, procrastination, and which assignments your child will be more than willing to complete and may even do so independently. Several parents have reached out to me as they are now realizing that their child is struggling academically, and they are uncertain if this is due to a learning disability, ADHD, or anxiety. This leads to the next question: Does my child need a support plan, such as a 504 Accommodation Plan or Individualized Education Plan (IEP)?

I Saw the Signs

  • My child is still struggling to identify letters, lower case, and capital.
  • My child is still struggling to consistently recognize the sounds that letters make.
  • My child is struggling to identify numbers.
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