Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation My 4-Step Formula to Beat Burnout

My 4-Step Formula to Beat Burnout

written by Ms. Marisha Dixon March 29, 2019
Formula to Beat Burnout

Start here by watching this video about Zachary and his experience with burnout.

Burnout: How Do You Know if it’s Happening to You?

While there were lots of things that Zachary shared to summarize his day-to-day experiences, together, they have no doubt left him feeling burnt-out. Would you agree?

What about you? Do you feel like you have no energy left to deal with the stresses of your work, love, or life experiences? That you, like Zachary, “are just fucking over it?”

If so, you’re likely experiencing burnout.

Burnout can impact you regardless of age. It’s something that often never gets addressed because we’ve gone through it or seen others experience it and just see it as “normal adulting.” In other instances, burnout gets addressed very late and the fatigue and distress one experiences by this time, take a major toll on them…trust me, I speak from experience!

So, how do you know if you are going through this? Below I’ll share some ways of recognizing burnout and my SOULutions to reduce or eliminate it from your life!

Signs of Burnout

From my personal experience and what I have concluded from my work with clients, burnout happens in two ways:

  1. A person operates without a sense of purpose while overthinking and doing more than they have the capacity to for an extended period
  2. A person attempts to prove or achieve “something great” by doing more than their bandwidth allows for a prolonged period of time.

Simply put, burnout is caused by emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion, due to frustration and stress.

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