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Multiply Your Team’s Productivity with Wellness Practice

written by Lauren Rice March 19, 2021
Multiply Your Team's Productivity with Wellness Practice

Lauren Rice shares how wellness practices can multiply your team’s productivity.

The COVID experience has taught us so much about how wellness practices are integral to the way we work and ways that we can improve our approach to our work to optimize and succeed, even in times of challenge, change, and uncertainty.

While every industry is unique, there are certain things that commonly support efficient work habits and develop healthier, more engaged teams.

Creating a Healthy and Functional Team

In my previous experience within a corporate leadership role, I took a job and transformed it into a department; a thriving team of over ten employees within eight months. This team was able to function as a self-sustaining organism, operational without the need for constant micromanagement. It freed me up as the director of the department to go on to further other creative endeavors and generate new opportunities for my company.

This didn’t happen overnight and required supportive mentorship for a couple of months. That initial investment paid off supremely well.

This quick read will help you fast track your results, without spending the time to learn and test what works on your own. You’ll find the keys to my success in supporting and creating healthy, functional teams. There is SO much value in this.

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