Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Moving Out of Your Ego Wounded Self

Moving Out of Your Ego Wounded Self

written by Dr. Margaret Paul December 31, 2019
Moving Out of Your Ego Wounded Self

Sometimes, when we get stuck in our wounded self, it is hard to wind our way out of it.

I’ve noticed what I do when I’m happy and my frequency is high, as opposed to when my frequency feels low. I’ve also found it is helpful to me to keep a list of ways I’ve learned to move myself from closed to open.

Some Ways I’ve Found that Work for Me

There is subtlety in these choices. That means I need to be consciously doing these things because it is loving for me to do them rather than doing them as a form of control. It’s possible for your wounded self to choose these same behaviors as a way to avoid responsibility for your feelings and avoid learning from your pain. When that is the intent, then these choices will not raise your frequency, which means you will not move out of your wounded self. So, please, be honest with yourself!

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