When we think of meditation, we often imagine spiritual mystical masters on the path to enlightenment. But there is a practical side to meditating that anyone can enjoy, and it is actually quite medicinal and easily accessed. We do it subconsciously and spontaneously every time we daydream. The only real difference is that meditation is done with deliberate focus, and, with a concentration on intent. The intent could be something as simple as becoming more relaxed. When we employ a few tools and techniques already within our reach, we can experience the benefits of meditation regardless of how evolved we are.
Meditation: Where Mysticism and Medicine Meet

Cindy Strom
Cindy Strom began studying hypnotherapy in 1987. In 1993, she earned her Certification in Hypnotherapy. Cindy’s early work was with people recovering from different forms of addiction. She went on to provide Stress Management workshops for several organizations including local police and fire departments, cancer patients, teachers, medical support staff, and business executives.