Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics Making Your Relationship a Priority as a New Parent

Making Your Relationship a Priority as a New Parent

written by Colleen Tirtirian November 24, 2020
New Parents- Making Your Relationship a Priority as a New Parent

As a fairly new mother to multiples, I often find myself trying to find more hours in the day when they simply do not exist. When you have a baby (or in my case, babies), a tricky thing happens; you need to learn how to balance your pre-baby life and relationships with your new day to day life, one that’s filled with spit up and nap schedules. For some, this balance is not really a priority. However, as someone who greatly values social interactions, I knew I needed to figure out a way to keep my relationships in my life, despite a total lack of time. Friendships matter greatly, but an even more important relationship for me is the one at home, with my husband.

Bringing two babies home was the start of a marathon, one which we are now a year into. It’s been one heck of a year, one filled with totally incredible moments, milestones and laughter; but as a family, we’ve also faced our share of challenges. When I reflect on the course of the first year, I can see how we surmounted the challenges in order to put our marriage first. A good friend once shared advice she got from her father. He told her that his motto in life was to always date his wife. I would agree; it’s always a fun idea to date your spouse! Life is just more fun when you have fun with the person you share your life with.  If you are happy and having a good time, then your children see that. So as a couple, we decided we needed to be sure that we put our relationship first. We want our kids to see us genuinely enjoying life and each other’s company.

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