Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation Let It Flow

Let It Flow

Part Two

written by Rick Hanson July 5, 2019
Let It Flow

My previous JOT explored the first of this list: how to lay down the burdens of useless worry, resentment, and self-criticism. In this one, I’ll focus on how to stay mindful and at-peace with the ever-changing stream of consciousness . . . and with the inevitable ups and downs of the body and the world . . . even with changes that are understandably heart-aching and alarming.

Have a Great Year

I think there are five key things we can do inside ourselves to be happier, stronger, wiser, and more loving this year.

  1. Drop the Stone
  2. Let It Flow
  3. Learn As You Go
  4. “Us” All “Thems”
  5. Be Amazed


By mindfulness, I mean sustained present-moment awareness. This quality of remaining present can be directed at both the inner world and the outer one, and it can both narrow its focus and open wide.

You are aware of sights and sounds, thoughts and feelings, sensations and desires all passing through awareness without resisting or chasing anything. It’s like sitting on the banks of a river – the stream of consciousness – watching all sorts of strange and interesting things carried along without hopping on board any one of them.

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