Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Lessons Learned as a Working Parent During COVID-19

Lessons Learned as a Working Parent During COVID-19

written by Liz Matheis, Ph.D November 16, 2020
Working Parent During COVID-19

There have been many lessons learned through the challenges of being a working parent during COVID-19.

Since March 2020, life has been incredibly and drastically different in a way that nobody could have ever predicted or imagined. Never would I have thought that we would be hiding in our homes, afraid to open our doors and windows, ordering food and house supplies online, and waiting eagerly for the boxes and bags to arrive only to leave them in the garage or drown them in disinfectant before we dare to use or consume their contents. We don’t commute anymore, but we work all day and night long. The laptop barely shuts down. And to top it off, we have taken on new roles: teacher and camp counselor. O.M.G.

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