Home Pride LifeLGBT Life Partner Relationship Keep Your LGBTQ Relationship from Going Stale from Covid-19

Keep Your LGBTQ Relationship from Going Stale from Covid-19

written by Adam Blum October 19, 2020
Keep Your LGBTQ Relationship from Going Stale from Covid-19

Is your relationship feeling stale? Or stressed? For most of us, the answer to these questions is a big “yes!” It’s hard to keep a feeling of aliveness in ourselves and in our relationships when we aren’t having new experiences to keep us energized. For most people, the primary unknown in our daily lives is, “Will I get this scary disease?” Stagnation can describe many of our current relationships. You are dealing with the same people, and the same problems, day after day.

Perhaps you are getting more irritable and falling into arguments more often. Here are some tips about how to improve your relationship in these extraordinary times.

Take a Peek Underneath the Argument

Right below every argument something else is going on that is not about the subject of the fight. It’s hard to see that in the heat of the moment, but when things calm down, can you get curious about the story underneath?

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