Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle Is It Time to Quit Your Job for a Better One?

Is It Time to Quit Your Job for a Better One?

written by Patrick Ow January 28, 2019
Is It Time to Quit Your Job for a Better One?

As we head into another year, many people may be wondering whether it is time to change jobs, stay on in their current jobs, freelance part-time or full-time, or start their own businesses.

This article by James Altucher in LinkedIn may be giving us compelling reasons as to why you should quit your job now in favor of doing freelancing. Really powerful.

Income Opportunities

The key takeaway for me is that we need time and flexibility to create multiple streams of income. We cannot rely on just one income source.

Multiple streams of income provide us with the diversity of income sources. It gives us the ability to future-proof our income.

There is income security.

There is income continuity.

When one income source gets cut off, voluntarily or involuntarily, we have other income sources to rely on.

In today’s volatile workplaces and with automation, there is no guarantee that our jobs will be around in the future. This uncertainty is vital to drive action to future-proof our jobs now.

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