Home The Ultimate RelationshipHealth & Wellness Increase Circulation to Your Brain in Just Five Minutes a Day

Increase Circulation to Your Brain in Just Five Minutes a Day

written by Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD March 20, 2019
Increase Circulation to Your Brain in Just Five Minutes a Day

Your quality of life depends on the circulation in your brain.

To thrive, your brain needs a huge amount of oxygen and glucose — even more than your muscles while running. A drop in circulation can hurt your mood and your decision-making skills. You benefit enormously when you improve circulation to your brain.

Nourishing Your Brain

A well-nourished brain is effectively what makes us human. Chimpanzees send less blood to their brains because they need more in their muscles and intestines. Their raw diet requires so much foraging and processing that it uses up most of their survival energy. When humans started cooking food, they freed up energy that went to the brain.

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