Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit I Could Love You More

I Could Love You More

Peeling Off the Mask to Reveal the Real

written by Edie Weinstein May 20, 2019
I Could Love You More

As an intuitive person, I enjoy being in the company of others who tap into their own abilities as a way of helping folks expand their horizons and offer a mirror into their own souls. I met Alyssa Martin at a local holistic fair and was drawn to her grounded mystic presentation. I placed my name in a container at her table to win a session with her. A few weeks ago, I received an email saying that I was one of the winners. I eagerly booked time with her, and this morning, as I prepared, I wondered what issues would arise for me to explore.

As a therapist, writer, storyteller, and speaker, I thought for sure by this point, I had dredged up a whole bunch of shit that I could use to fertilize my personal garden patch that had taken now more than 60 years to cultivate. At the appointed time, I dialed her number and although the ringing stopped, we couldn’t hear each other’s voices. She then called me, and we found the same outcome. One more attempt and we were about to transfer to Skype to connect. Alyssa restarted her phone and ta-da…the third time was apparently the charm. I have found over the years that sometimes when I am attempting a call or trying to record a podcast or video, the technical Force has not always been with me. She and I laughed at that paradigm.

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